
With SmartReader reading will be the favorite hobby of your children

SmartReader is a startup that aims to make reading a daily and exciting habit for children around the world.


We have combined academic experience, our own methods and a unique technological solution in the form of an online platform. "

Together, these elements provide not only a higher speed of reading, but also a much better level of comprehension of the texts read by the child.


6 reasons to sign up
  1. Emphasis not only on reading speed, but also on comprehension of the text
  2. The best online platform on the market
  3. More than 2,000 students in 18 cities have proven effectiveness of our sytem
  4. Unique motivational system based on SmartCoins (ReadCoins)
  5. Effective for children with completely different levels of training
  6. The result in 1.5 months
Результати учнів
Костюк Анна

Я читала всього 5 слів, а зараз аж 72. Я в шоці!

Швидкість читання:
Було:5 слів/хвилину
Стало:72 слів/хвилину
Розуміння тексту:
Колодяжний Сергій

Ура, я вже читаю краще!

Швидкість читання:
Було:68 слів/хвилину
Стало:136 слів/хвилину
Розуміння тексту:
Gamified platform

Around the world, most speed reading techniques focus on teacher training. Practice shows that these classes are not enough to effectively consolidate the skill.

Therefore, our team has developed a special online simulator, where each student receives a week of homework in the form of games and interactive exercises.

Thanks to this, the child better consolidates the lesson material, and the teacher sees the results of students in his account and uses it to select an individual curriculum.

Online Test

Determine how fast your child reads with an online test or sign up for a trial session at the center.


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How to understand that a child needs a speed reading course?

If you answer "yes" to one of the questions, it is necessary, because over time the situation may become more complicated.

  1. Does the child read the word first about himself or in whispers?
  2. Does the child partially understand the meaning of what is read?
  3. Can't a child insert missing words into a sentence, finish a sentence, retell a text?
  4. A child is inattentive?
  5. The child does not like to read, prefers gadgets?
Positive effects

The ability to read quickly will help your child:

Work with information in a flash - look for the necessary, process quickly, discard the superfluous.

Being well-performed at school, because school requires a lot to read and remember.


Succeed in the near and distant future - speed reading skills develop intelligence and analytical skills.

What we do during course
  • We teach children to look at several words at once;
  • Prevent re-reading of the text;
  • We get rid of pronouncing the text when reading aloud and "about myself";
  • We learn to retell;
  • Improve the experience of semantic guessing;
  • We form steady attention;
  • We develop an articulatory apparatus for reading aloud;
  • We improve emotional intelligence.
For what age is your course created? Do you take all children to study?
Can speed reading be harmful to a child?
How do reading lessons affect school performance?
How does a rapid reading course will affect my child?
Can we try and see if my child likes it?
What we nees to start your course?
What is the schedule of classes and their duration?
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